Cannabis has been proven to help relieve many cancer related symptoms, such as pain, nausea and inflammation. There have also been studies that show promising results for cannabis’ ability to slow cancer growth and shrink tumors.
In addition to the physical improvements, cannabis can also reduce anxiety and depression, which are common mental ailments for an individual who is battling a terminal illness. For someone who has not responded well to traditional cancer treatments or prefers to use more natural means of treating the related symptoms, cannabis can offer welcomed relief.
While not a miracle drug, if cannabis can help make a loved one more comfortable, improve and even extend their quality of life, and help relieve their anxiety, why not give it a try? We have worked with countless individuals who are either going through cancer treatment themselves or are trying to help a loved one cope.
We recently had a customer come to us whose family member is terminal with cancer and who was wanting to improve the quality of their life for however much time they have left. After speaking with our customer about their loved one’s symptoms, how they’ve been responding to treatment and what the desired outcome is, we recommended the following treatment protocol. While this is not intended to be a blanket treatment for everyone undergoing cancer treatment, it is an excellent starting point. For personalized recommendations, we suggest reaching out to us by email ( so we can discuss the best course of action.
This particular individual was in an incredible amount of pain, so we recommended that they start on a very high dose of CBD immediately. We suggested that they take 60-80mg of CBD each day, which could be split up between a morning and afternoon dose. While not intoxicating, high doses of CBD can cause drowsiness; splitting up the dosage can help mitigate that.
CBD has been shown to help relive pain and inflammation in the body, two unfortunate side effects of both the cancer itself and the cancer treatment.
Purchase our 1000mg CBD Tincture HERE.
For someone who is experiencing severe pain and inflammation, sleep has likely become elusive. In addition to offering pain relief, a Full Spectrum Indica Tincture will also make falling and staying asleep much easier.
We like to think of the THC Tincture as a top up; start with the high dose of CBD and add in small doses of THC as needed to reduce remaining feelings of pain and improve sleep. We suggest starting with 10mg of THC per dose and adjusting as needed. Remember to wait 90 minutes between doses.
Purchase our Full Spectrum Tincture HERE.
An alternative to the Full Spectrum THC Tincture would be the ZZZ Bombs from Twisted Extracts, also available as Indica. These gummies will also reduce pain, act as a sleep aid, and, since they are an edible, the effects will last longer than those of a tincture. Typically edibles can be felt for up to 8 hours, making them a perfect option to take right before bed.
Purchase the ZZZ Bombs HERE.
An unfortunate side effect of cancer treatment is often loss of appetite, which can be detrimental for someone who needs their strength. Two excellent strains that will assist with pain management AND increase appetite (ie give someone the “munchies”) are Death Bubba and Violator. Both Death Bubba and Violator are semi-sedative and can act as a sleep aid.
Purchase Death Bubba and Violator through our Amazing Ounce Special HERE or our Premium Pre-Rolls HERE.
MK Ultra is renowned for its euphoric effects, winning 1st place Indica at the High Times Cannabis Cup in 2003 and 2nd place in 2004. Similar to Death Bubba and Violator, Mk Ultra is excellent for pain management and as a sleep aid. But, unlike the other two strains, MK Ultra doesn’t often make you feel overly hungry. It’s a great strain if the patient needs to sleep and reduce pain, but hasn’t experienced a loss of appetite.
Purchase MK Ultra through our Amazing Ounce Special HERE or our Premium Pre-Rolls HERE.
If you or a loved one are struggling with a physical or mental ailment, reach out to us! Many of our customers have been using cannabis to relieve symptoms related to cancer, Colitis, Crohn’s, fibromyalgia, and various other illnesses. Cannabis has given so many people a new lease on life and we want to help you find the right treatment plan. Message us on Instagram or email us