One can’t help but giggle the first time they hear the phrase “cannabis suppository”. You want me to put what where? While it may seem silly at first, suppositories have been used to treat pain for over 5,000 years! Nowadays, various suppositories are used to treat hemorrhoids, inflammation, menstrual pain, Chrons, and bacterial and fungal infections. Cannabis suppositories in particular have been used to help patients who are unable to inhale or ingest cannabis find relief from chronic pain, pelvic pain, endometriosis, sciatica and more.
How do they work, how do you use them and what are the benefits of cannabis suppositories? Let’s dive into it!
The vagina and rectum contains many nerves that extend up the spine and down the legs. In particular, the colon houses cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 which are responsible for carrying out the many positive effects of THC. Suppositories are made by mixing cannabis-infused oils with carrier oils that are melted once coming in contact with body heat. With much debate about whether suppositories allow for cannabis to enter the bloodstream, there is at least solid evidence to show suppositories are particularly effective in treating local conditions such as inflammation and hemorrhoids. Even if only effective locally, suppositories are a good alternative for patients who are unable to take prescriptions by mouth.
If you are someone searching for relief but are unwilling or unable to ingest or inhale cannabis, cannabis suppositories may be just what you need.
Benefits of cannabis suppositories include:
Our Relief Pods come in a pack of ten, each with 50mg of THC each, for a total of 500mg THC. We have added in cacao butter for improved bio-availability and they come in a discreet carrying pack.
Pro tip: Place your Relief Pod in the freezer for a few minutes to ensure that it is firm before inserting into your rectum or vagina. This will ensure that the Relief Pod does not melt in your hands while you are inserting it. You may also opt for placing a pillow under your hips to allow for an easier, more relaxed insertion.
Purchase the Relief Pods for $50 HERE.
While the Relief Pods are a relatively new product to our online store, the response has been overwhelmingly positive!
“I’ve tested the Relief Pods for a bit now and love them! They help with my Crohns and cramps due to PMS. The price is very reasonable for the amount you get (10 per box). I’ve used a different brand before (Biomed Botanicals) and you only get five suppositories’ per box and it cost me the same amount as the Relief Pods. I also love how on the Relief Pods, they are sealed at both ends of the packing, where as the Biomed ones have one side of the suppositories exposed. So glad there are suppositories now so it can deliver pain relief etc. right where I need it most and fast.”
Thank you to Miranda R. for that amazing review!
If you have any questions about whether or not cannabis suppositories are right for you, please email us at We are always happy to help!