Must Reads by The Healing Co.

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July 16, 2020

The Best Cannabis Products For Sleep

The Best Cannabis Products For Sleep We know that cannabis can help us sleep better, as we discussed in our blog article “Cannabis For A Better […]
June 25, 2020

How To (Easily) Incorporate Cannabis Into Your Daily Life

How To (Easily) Incorporate Cannabis Into Your Daily Life For someone new to cannabis, it can often be overwhelming to look at the plethora of products, […]
June 18, 2020

How To Microdose Psilocybin Mushrooms

How To Microdose Psilocybin Mushrooms Similar to how Goldilocks tried to find oatmeal that was just the right temperature or a bed that was just the […]
June 9, 2020

Benefits of Microdosing Psilocybin Mushrooms

Benefits of Microdosing Psilocybin Mushrooms It wasn’t all that long ago that society undervalued the benefits of cannabis. Now, as more research is conducted and studies […]
June 3, 2020

Best Cannabis Gifts For Father’s Day

Best Cannabis Gifts For Father’s Day Father’s Day is right around the corner and we want to make sure your dad is treated right! Take some […]
May 13, 2020

What Is Nano CBD?

What Is Nano CBD? In the cannabis world, new terms are often thrown around that become trendy without any real explanation of what they mean. We […]
May 12, 2020

What Is Distillate?

What Is Distillate? Distillate is a cannabis extract in which the final product has been systematically stripped of all materials and compounds except one specific cannabinoid. […]
May 8, 2020

Cannabis Products Every Mom Should Try

Cannabis Products Every Mom Should Try As stigmas and judgement are slowly being overtaken by education, love and compassion, more people are discovering the healing benefits […]
April 17, 2020

The Healing Co.’s 420 Celebration

The Healing Co.’s 420 Celebration Ahhhh, 420! Arguably a cannabis enthusiasts’ favorite day of the year! We could hardly contain our excitement, so we decided to […]