We have been eagerly waiting to share these with you. Our newest pride and joy. One of the best products we have ever created. The long awaited…Sleepy Time CBD Gummy Bears!
Before we begin to tell you all of the amazing things about these gummy bears, we wanted to first share why we created them, which was to show people that traditional sleep aids are not the only option. We know that the vast majority of our population is not getting enough sleep and turning to traditional sleep aids to help. Little do most people know that pharmaceutical grade sleep aids can have more negative side effects than positive. We’re here to provide you with natural alternatives to traditional medicine.
For many who experience insomnia, pharmaceutical aids have been the only presented treatment option. Traditional sleeping pills fall under two main categories- prescription sleeping pills and over-the-counter sleeping pills.
Prescription sleeping pills include Benzodiazepine sedative hypnotic sleeping pills, Non-benzodiazepine sedative hypnotic sleeping pills, Melatonin receptor agonist hypnotic sleeping pills, and, at times, antidepressants.
The potentially harmful side effects include, but are not limited to:
Over-the-counter sleeping pills typically rely on antihistamines as their primary active ingredient to promote drowsiness and include brand names like Nytol, Sominex, Sleepinal, Unisom, and Nighttime Sleep Aid.
Common side effects of OTC sleeping pills include:
The side effects for traditional sleeping pills are terrifying, to say the least. Thankfully, CBD has provided a safe, natural alternative to mainstream medicine.
Infused with 20mg of CBD per gummy bear, as well as lavender, chamomile, lemon balm, valerian root, passion flower, and melatonin, these gummies will have you slipping away into dreamland in no time.
We suggest taking one gummy bear one hour before bed as you begin your nighttime routine. Be sure to limit screen time, keep a consistent bed time, and select calming activities to do before bed so your body understands it is time for sleep.
Purchase the new Sleepy Time Gummy Bears HERE.
It is widely understood that CBD helps us fall asleep quicker and stay asleep longer. But how does it do that? While an increasing number of CBD studies are being conducted, very few have looked at the impact CBD specifically has on sleep. In the absence of sweeping clinical studies, we look to smaller studies and anecdotal evidence! The prevailing theory is that CBD works by reducing symptoms of anxiety, which allows the person to relax and let their natural sleep mechanism take over.
CBD has helped hundreds of our customers fall and stay asleep and, that for many of them, this has been the first time in years they’ve slept well. Customers report feeling less restless and tense, clear minded in the morning and are finally getting a restful, full night’s sleep. You can’t put a price on that kind of relief!
Valerian, often referred to as “nature’s Valium”, may reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep, as well as improve sleep quality and quantity. It works in a similar way to many common anti-anxiety medications by inhibiting the breakdown of GABA in the brain, resulting in feelings of calmness and tranquility. Valerian root also contains hesperidin and linarin, antioxidants which appear to have sedative and sleep-enhancing properties.
Naturally occurring in our bodies, melatonin is the hormone the lets your body know it is time to start winding down for the night. For those who still have trouble falling asleep, taking additional melatonin orally may provide the extra help needed to get a good night’s sleep. Melatonin has shown to help you fall asleep faster, have a more restful night’s sleep and can even help lessen the feelings of jet lag.
Lavender, chamomile and lemon balm have also all shown to improve the quality of one’s sleep and to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep. In particular, studies on lavender have concluded that it can also reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and depression, all of which are major barriers to falling and staying asleep.
If you have any questions about our new Sleepy Time CBD Gummy Bears or how CBD impacts sleep, please email us at info@thehealingcowellness.com.